4 Simple Tips on How to Make Your Content Fresh

Camille Allen Writing
5 min readMar 5, 2021
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Getting your website to rank can be the most frustrating thing for a business to achieve. Every time we ask this question, the primary answer that keeps coming back is to “just create content.”

Great! Sounds easy!

Just look at the competition, go to their blog, take some headlines, and BOOM! You have a long list of SEO articles for your business blog.

But eventually, you realize your goals aren’t getting hit no matter how much your posting. That’s because Google is not letting this kind of content slide anymore. By that, I mean posting articles similar to others will not cut it like it did in the past.

One trend that has been growing since last year is the need for valuable and unique content. Customers don’t want the same listicles anymore. They want something different, and so does Google.

So how do you create content that’s not the same as everything else out there? One of the best ways to boost your clicks is to try a little trick called tilting your content.

Author Joe Pulizzi went into depth on the subject in his book, Content Inc. He called the method “the most important step” of content marketing, and I couldn’t agree more.

The content tilt is a method of taking a topic or niche and finding out how to make it different, and drawing in your audience. For example, finding a fresh way to write about project management or social media management.

Titling your content can be very easy and beneficial, so here are some simple ways that will help you create actual valuable content and get noticed by your audience and Google.

1. Narrow Down Your Target Audience to the Ground

So how do you tilt your content when there are so many articles out there that people have already read?

This is where knowing your audience comes in.

Okay, I know what you’re saying. “I already know my audience. I know them so well that I even know what type of food they like to eat!” Well, that’s great! Because that means you can now chisel down the audience even more.

Look, knowing your audience is great, but if you want to create content that’s not as general and simplistic as the other blogs on the top of the search rankings, then you should be able to address one specific person only.

For example, instead of writing an article about how to use planning software for a group of employees, talk about using CMS for a work-from-home father or mother who has a child at home and has to organize a project with others while cooking dinner.

That’s just off the top of my head, but you get the idea. The point is, in order to tilt content efficiently, be able to pick out one person from the crowd and make content for just that one, unique individual. Soon you’ll see that you can think of a variety of headlines to jot down for future articles.

2. Find Your Unique Angle

As a blogger for plenty of B2B companies, I understand it can be a little tricky for companies to find different ways to engage with an audience without rehashing the same type of windmill content. This is especially true when you look around and see that everything there is to say about your industry has already been published in a million other articles.

But this isn’t the case at all.

While certain topics can repeat themselves, you can always find something new about a subject to write about. Do you sell social media software and want your blog to surround how-to’s for social networks?

Don’t write the same post on creating the perfect bio again. See if you have a unique angle from that topic that you can show your audience.

3. Go Deeper With Existing Content

If you sell marketing services, you have probably seen millions of articles about “the absolute best way to market in the pandemic!” or “the importance of video creation in 2021!”

Avoid making the same type of articles on your blog. Instead, take these articles and put your own spin on them. Ask yourself what is your unique selling point and then create content that proves it. You can make it fun and exciting, or just a simple educational article that looks at the topic from a unique standpoint.

By doing this type of tilting, you’ll be showing off your authority in the industry while also making your articles stand out from the crowd.

4. Explore Other Platforms and Content Types

Tilting your content isn’t just about finding different topics to write about or writing the same type of topic uniquely. It’s also about finding a different platform that you don’t normally use and repurpose your content for that audience too.

Suppose you’ve realized that there are millions of articles and videos about home and garden decorations on the web. Then what do you do then? It’s simple! Look around to other platforms. Soon you’ll probably see that there are next to no podcasts about home and gardening. This is your chance to get ahead of your competition by creating a podcast for your audience.

Find a gap in the market. Not only will you have a competitive edge on the specific platform, but you’ll also be able to tilt a lot of your content into something different and engaging.

Your Turn!

Titling content in 2021 can be the defining action of finally getting your business out there and noticed.

Think of your brand as being in a crowd with everyone yelling the same thing at once. If you yell with them, you’ll probably not get noticed as quickly as you’d like. But if you say the same thing with a unique method. You’ll then gain a chance of even more people finally turning around and listening to what you have to say to them.

The point is to not write the same articles as everyone else. Make it different and make it valuable. And once you have their attention, don’t lose it by going back to the same old, dry content.

Continue to tilt and find more individuals to talk directly to. Trust me. This method will save your time and energy.



Camille Allen Writing

Writer and lover of books and knowledge. I blog about marketing, productivity, and lifestyle.